While we are sad to ever see partners go, we provide an easy cancellation process by emailing YGL support at the email listed below.
Email: YGL Support Helpdesk
How Much Notice Do I Need To Give?
Cancellations require a thirty-day written notice. Per contract, we require 'written notice' for cancellations, we cannot accept verbal cancellations such as over the phone, for example.
When Do I Receive My Last Bill/Invoice?
Most partners are billed monthly, so invoices are mailed out on the first of every month to the billing contact we have on file. Your last invoice will be for the month in which the last day of your thirty-day notice falls on. For example, if you put in your notice January 10th, the thirty day period will last until approximately February 10th--therefore February would be your last month of billing for services as we do not prorate. For the few partners who chose to be billed quarterly or annually--please contact us so that we can give you a correct last invoice date.
When Does My Thirty Days Start For My Cancellation?
It starts the day you email us.
We Changed Our Mind And We Need to Extend Our YGL Service, Or Cancel Our Cancellation--How Do We Do So?
We understand that sometimes things don't go as smoothly as anticipated. We are happy to keep you on a month to month basis should you need to extend out your service with You've Got Leads, or sign a new contract if you decide to stay with us long-term. Simply submit a support request letting us know your specific business needs and we will be happy to have your account manager work with you.