Filters are a great way to save time and select specific datasets within a larger group of data. This can be performed on each data tab within You’ve Got Leads. (Leads, Tasks, Sources, Inventory)
To apply a new filter, navigate to your tab of choice and select the purple ‘filter’ icon on the left side of the screen.
Next, apply the filters that you want to review.
In the example below I want to filter all open leads interested in 1 Bedroom, Assisted Living. I’ll apply each of those filters and it should look like this:
After all of my filters have been applied I have the option to save this filter set for future use.
To save the filter set go back to the Filter section and Name Your Filter Set by typing in the Filter name you want, noted below:
After you have named your Filter set select Save Filter Set
Next time you need to search for leads with the same parameter you can save time by accessing the filters set.